Edinburgh FRCR 2B courses

The Edinburgh FRCR 2B course has been running for over 15 years.

We run a 2-day course, comprising 6 small group tutorials, 3 hour long, individual vivas for each candidate, each with 2 examiners as well as written exam practice. From May 2025 this will include the new short cases as well as long cases.

In response to the recent changes made by the RCR to the FRCR 2B examination, we have moved the course to an online offering only to replicate the viva as it is experienced in the current exam. Further changes to mirror the change to case delivery for vivas will be made in due course.

Vivas are currently all conducted over Microsoft Teams with the examiners using Mac computers and Osirix software.

The course is designed for doctors in the final stages of preparation for the FRCR part 2B exam. We would therefore advise that for the best learning experience, you attend the course immediately prior to your confirmed 2B sitting.

Our courses are over-subscribed and we therefore need to manage demand. You should register your interest in the course you wish to attend and we will then allocate places to it, normally 2-3 months prior to the date of the course. After a place is allocated to you, we would take payment to confirm your place. We also operate a waiting list in case of cancellations.

2 day course

Our 2 day course replicates the FRCR exam experience. We have now moved to an online offering to keep up to date with the exam format.


6 hour-long small group tutorials, conducted in groups of 6, covering MSK, chest, paediatrics, nuclear medicine, breast and neuroradiology.


3 individual, hour-long vivas with 2 examiners and 1 candidate, as in the exam. These are delivered over MS Teams with a screen share from Osirix. Examiners will be together in the same room.

Written component

2 rapid reporting exams with answer review

2 long case exams with answer review

Remote attendance

Candidates will attend the course virtually. There is no in-person option.


The 2 day course costs £500

Payment is by Credit / Debit card

Next courses

Booking process

Booking stages

  • Register your interest for a course
  • Place confirmed usually 2-3 months before course date
  • Make payment within 2 weeks of confirmation